Curriculum Vitae




Frankfurt am Main, Germany

marital status

married, 3 children

language skills

German (native), English (fluent), Dutch (good), French (basic)

Since 1st October 2018

Management Consultant; Constructive Consulting Regulatory & Risk GmbH

  • Conception and programming of an interface between the data warehouse and the application THINC from msgGillardon at a German bank.
  • Test management within the pilot project "migration of the infrastructure of zeb.control.regulatory" at a German bank.
  • Consolidation and harmonisation of the data basis for legal reporting, risk management, accounting and treasury at a German bank.
  • Programming of the reporting of securitisation payables for a German bank with focus on leasing.
  • Conception of a data model designer to describe data models and a mapping between them.
  • Conception and Implementation of a mapping between different data models with SAP PowerDesigner for an international software company.
  • Legal Reporting with Abacus360 and analysis of the feedback from the Bundesbank. Main focus on AnaCredit.

1st May 2006 until 30th September 2018

Manager; GmbH

  • Technical support during the integration project of a big German bank into its parent company.
  • Implementation of the requirements on RDA (risk data aggregation) at a big Germen bank.
  • Technical support during merge oft two building associations within their parent company.
  • Support of the EBA benchmarking reporting.
  • Implementation of IFRS9 at a big German bank.
  • Project lead of the project "Deconsolidation" with main focus on IT and regulatory reporting. Responsibility for business and IT co-workers at a big German bank.
  • Project lead of the project COREP as part of the main project BASEL III. Responsibility for business and IT co-workers at a big German bank.
  • Connection of preliminary systems (SAP, MIDAS) to the regulatory reporting at a big Germen bank.
  • Test management support during the implementation of ABACUS/DaVinci for a German bank.
  • Conception, programming (with PDI) and installation of interfaces between zeb/prm, zeb//basel.II and the legal reporting software ABACUS/DaVinci for a German bank.
  • Conception and management of the test project for implementation of the new core banking software TEMENOS T24 at a Luxembourgian bank.
  • Delivery of test data for interfaces to TEMENOS T24 at a Luxembourgian bank.
  • Conception and supervision of data delivery for BASEL II for an Austrian bank and the network units in CEE.
  • Onsite support for the East European network units of an Austrian bank. Travel to CEE.
  • Business and technical support during migration of the group data warehouse of an Austrian bank (with complete DQM).
  • Development of tools for Completeness Check and End-to-End Test based on MS Excel (with VB) and SQL.
  • Development of a MS Access application for maintenance of BASEL II documentation for an Austrian bank.
  • Implementation of the zeb/data-warehouse and the overall bank management software zeb/control with modules zeb/ergebnissteuerung, zeb/integrated.treasury-manager, zeb/portfolio.risk-manager and zeb/einzelgeschäftskalkulation.
  • Configuration and Customizing of the zeb/data-warehouse and zeb/ifrs at a German bank.
  • Building interfaces for delivering systems of a German bank to the zeb/data-warehouse via the layer architecture. Configuration of the calculation of important figures for the treasury.
  • Conception and programming of interfaces for EQUATION to the zeb/integrated.treasury-manager for a German bank.
  • Control of test data delivery to EQUATION for a German bank.
  • Preparation and deliver of lectures on risk management for banks.
  • Administration of Oracle databases and programming in PL/SQL.
  • Data management with SAP PowerDesigner.

1st October 1997 until 30th April 2006

Application developer and technical consultant for iSeries; Misys International Banking Systems GmbH.

  • Implementation of the IAS module in EQUATION (Assessment of saving and lending according to IAS).
  • Programming and servicing of the banking software MIDAS and EQUATION in RPG III, RPG IV, RPG/400 and CL (with ILE techniques).
  • Development of German Features for EQUATION (Interface to BAIS Meldewesen from BSM and to PRANG Payment Systems, SCHUFA Connectivity, Report to the BAFin according to §24c KWG via Bank-Verlag or T-Systems, postal code validation, etc.).
  • Development of interfaces to KORDOBA and to the FERNBACH lending system.
  • Installation and use of the MARZIPAN Rechenkern from Gillardon for calculation of cashflows using Java (under PASE on an iSeries).
  • Sales support as technical consultant.
  • Development of a source control system with RPG IV for internal use.
  • Development of tools for programming for internal use.
  • Hotline service, on-side customer support during implementation phase.
  • Installation and maintenance of personal computers with Windows.
  • Programming, implementation and maintenance of a local intranet (Apache-Server on iSeries) with use of CGI and Websphere.

1st October 1996 until 30th September 1997

Programmer for AS/400; LEAR Corporation.

  • Programming of BPCS Finance- and Production System, LEAR Menu System, PAISY Wages and Salary System and Electronic Banking in RPG III and RPG IV (with ILE techniques).
  • Configuration of data exchange via ISDN.

17th June 1996 until 30th September 1996

Courses in Network techniques, UNIX, Windows 95, Windows NT, TCP/IP-Basics, Relational Database, Programming in C, C++ and SQL (see below).

2nd July 1994 until 16th June 1996

Self-employed freelance programmer; VDSSG, Flörsheim.

  • Programming of the VDS (Volvo-Dealer-System) on IBM AS400 and System/36 in RPG II, RPG III, RPG/400 and CL.
  • Sale and installation of personal computers.

1st April 1992 until 31st March 1994

Consultant for VOLVO Dealer System; VOLVO Deutschland GmbH.

  • Consultancy, Training and Hotline Services for the VDS (Volvo-Dealer-System) and the computer systems IBM System/36 and AS/400.
  • Programming and fixing of programs and additional modules for VDS in RPG II and RPG III.
  • Control of the data transfer via Datex-P between the dealer and importer.
  • Produce of manuals for the VDS.

1st April 1988 until 31st March 1992

Industrial Officer and Commissioner for dangerous goods; Zimmermann & Fechter GmbH, Lackfabrik, varnish manufacturer.

  • Consultancy and sale of varnish systems for interior works and the wood-manufacturing industry.
  • Order taking and customer support via phone.
  • Coordination of the truck delivery service.
  • Commissioner for the transportation of dangerous goods.
  • Installation and support of the EDP-Systems (UNIX) and the programs for the varnish factory.

1st January 1987 until 31st March 1988

Wholesales Officer; Reiss Kälte-Klima OHG.

  • Consultancy and Sale of components for manufacturing of refrigeration units and air conditioners. Order taking and customer support via phone and counter sale.
  • Control of the commodity logistics.
  • Registration of delivery advices and confirmations.

1st October 1985 until 31st December 1986

Military service

1st July 1983 until 30th September 1985

Trainee as Wholesales and Foreign Trade Officer; Uhlig & Co., Rauchwaren.

  • Consultancy and sale of furs and skins.
  • Settlement and shipment. Accounting and correspondence.
  • Purchase and coordination of processing.


Bergius-Schule, Frankfurt am Main. Technical college for clothing, special field furs and skins with final examination.


Max-Eyth-Schule, Dreieich-Sprendlingen. . Secondary school with specializing in business management with final examination.

January 1991

Seminar for dangerous goods.
Special training for commissioner of dangerous goods. (Duration: 1 Week)

May 1992

BM S/36 fast training.
System control. SEU and DSU. (Duration: 1 Week)

June 1992

RPG Basics.
Programmer course for the programming language RPG. (Duration: 3 Days)

March 1993

IBM AS400 Foundation Training.
Data concepts. Interactive data base programsw (Duration: 2 weeks)

17t June 1996 until 5th July 1996

UNIX user and system management.

15th July 1996 until 9th August 1996

Programming in C, object-oriented programming in C++.

12th August 1996 until 23rd August 1996

Microsoft Windows 95 in a network.

26th August 1996 until 13th September 1996

Application development with relational databases. SQL-Programming

23rd September 1996 until 27th September 1996


23rd November 2006 until 24th November 2006

Successful leadership I

25th January 2007 until 26th January 2007

Successful leadership II

9th October 2008 until 10th October 2008

Successful leadership III

15th May 2008 until 17th May 2008

Basis training IAS 39

23rd April 2009 until 24th April 2009

Successful leadership IV

14th September 2011 until 20th September 2011

ABACUS for consultants – base seminar

29th January 2015 until 30th January 2015

Rhetoric seminar

21st September 2015 until 22nd September 2015

Intelligent repartee and confident argumentation

6th March 2017 until 7th March 2017

PRINCE2 Foundation
Project management with certificate

27th June 2018

RPA Developer Foundation Training


Self-educated learning of the programming language Pascal. Slight experience.


Self-educated learning of the programming language Visual Basic.


Self-educated learning of HTML and JavaScript Creation of an own web page.


Self-educated learning of the programming language JAVA. Slight experience.


Self-educated learning of CGI-programming, use of e-RPG, HTML and JavaScript.


Use of the programming language C and C++ for private game programming with Microsoft DirectX.


Use of JAVA (J2SE) for developing an application for application maintenance.


RPA (Robotic Process Automation)


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