Curriculum Vitae
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
marital status
married, 3 children
language skills
German (native), English (fluent), Dutch (good), French (basic)
Since 1st October 2018
Management Consultant; Constructive Consulting Regulatory & Risk GmbH
- Conception and programming of an interface between the data warehouse and the application THINC from msgGillardon at a German bank.
- Test management within the pilot project "migration of the infrastructure of zeb.control.regulatory" at a German bank.
- Consolidation and harmonisation of the data basis for legal reporting, risk management, accounting and treasury at a German bank.
- Programming of the reporting of securitisation payables for a German bank with focus on leasing.
- Conception of a data model designer to describe data models and a mapping between them.
- Conception and Implementation of a mapping between different data models with SAP PowerDesigner for an international software company.
- Legal Reporting with Abacus360 and analysis of the feedback from the Bundesbank. Main focus on AnaCredit.
Manager; GmbH
- Technical support during the integration project of a big German bank into its parent company.
- Implementation of the requirements on RDA (risk data aggregation) at a big Germen bank.
- Technical support during merge oft two building associations within their parent company.
- Support of the EBA benchmarking reporting.
- Implementation of IFRS9 at a big German bank.
- Project lead of the project "Deconsolidation" with main focus on IT and regulatory reporting. Responsibility for business and IT co-workers at a big German bank.
- Project lead of the project COREP as part of the main project BASEL III. Responsibility for business and IT co-workers at a big German bank.
- Connection of preliminary systems (SAP, MIDAS) to the regulatory reporting at a big Germen bank.
- Test management support during the implementation of ABACUS/DaVinci for a German bank.
- Conception, programming (with PDI) and installation of interfaces between zeb/prm, zeb//basel.II and the legal reporting software ABACUS/DaVinci for a German bank.
- Conception and management of the test project for implementation of the new core banking software TEMENOS T24 at a Luxembourgian bank.
- Delivery of test data for interfaces to TEMENOS T24 at a Luxembourgian bank.
- Conception and supervision of data delivery for BASEL II for an Austrian bank and the network units in CEE.
- Onsite support for the East European network units of an Austrian bank. Travel to CEE.
- Business and technical support during migration of the group data warehouse of an Austrian bank (with complete DQM).
- Development of tools for Completeness Check and End-to-End Test based on MS Excel (with VB) and SQL.
- Development of a MS Access application for maintenance of BASEL II documentation for an Austrian bank.
- Implementation of the zeb/data-warehouse and the overall bank management software zeb/control with modules zeb/ergebnissteuerung, zeb/integrated.treasury-manager, zeb/portfolio.risk-manager and zeb/einzelgeschäftskalkulation.
- Configuration and Customizing of the zeb/data-warehouse and zeb/ifrs at a German bank.
- Building interfaces for delivering systems of a German bank to the zeb/data-warehouse via the layer architecture. Configuration of the calculation of important figures for the treasury.
- Conception and programming of interfaces for EQUATION to the zeb/integrated.treasury-manager for a German bank.
- Control of test data delivery to EQUATION for a German bank.
- Preparation and deliver of lectures on risk management for banks.
- Administration of Oracle databases and programming in PL/SQL.
- Data management with SAP PowerDesigner.
Application developer and technical consultant for iSeries; Misys International Banking Systems GmbH.
- Implementation of the IAS module in EQUATION (Assessment of saving and lending according to IAS).
- Programming and servicing of the banking software MIDAS and EQUATION in RPG III, RPG IV, RPG/400 and CL (with ILE techniques).
- Development of German Features for EQUATION (Interface to BAIS Meldewesen from BSM and to PRANG Payment Systems, SCHUFA Connectivity, Report to the BAFin according to §24c KWG via Bank-Verlag or T-Systems, postal code validation, etc.).
- Development of interfaces to KORDOBA and to the FERNBACH lending system.
- Installation and use of the MARZIPAN Rechenkern from Gillardon for calculation of cashflows using Java (under PASE on an iSeries).
- Sales support as technical consultant.
- Development of a source control system with RPG IV for internal use.
- Development of tools for programming for internal use.
- Hotline service, on-side customer support during implementation phase.
- Installation and maintenance of personal computers with Windows.
- Programming, implementation and maintenance of a local intranet (Apache-Server on iSeries) with use of CGI and Websphere.
Programmer for AS/400; LEAR Corporation.
- Programming of BPCS Finance- and Production System, LEAR Menu System, PAISY Wages and Salary System and Electronic Banking in RPG III and RPG IV (with ILE techniques).
- Configuration of data exchange via ISDN.
Courses in Network techniques, UNIX, Windows 95, Windows NT, TCP/IP-Basics, Relational Database, Programming in C, C++ and SQL (see below).
Self-employed freelance programmer; VDSSG, Flörsheim.
- Programming of the VDS (Volvo-Dealer-System) on IBM AS400 and System/36 in RPG II, RPG III, RPG/400 and CL.
- Sale and installation of personal computers.
Consultant for VOLVO Dealer System; VOLVO Deutschland GmbH.
- Consultancy, Training and Hotline Services for the VDS (Volvo-Dealer-System) and the computer systems IBM System/36 and AS/400.
- Programming and fixing of programs and additional modules for VDS in RPG II and RPG III.
- Control of the data transfer via Datex-P between the dealer and importer.
- Produce of manuals for the VDS.
Industrial Officer and Commissioner for dangerous goods; Zimmermann & Fechter GmbH, Lackfabrik, varnish manufacturer.
- Consultancy and sale of varnish systems for interior works and the wood-manufacturing industry.
- Order taking and customer support via phone.
- Coordination of the truck delivery service.
- Commissioner for the transportation of dangerous goods.
- Installation and support of the EDP-Systems (UNIX) and the programs for the varnish factory.
Wholesales Officer; Reiss Kälte-Klima OHG.
- Consultancy and Sale of components for manufacturing of refrigeration units and air conditioners. Order taking and customer support via phone and counter sale.
- Control of the commodity logistics.
- Registration of delivery advices and confirmations.
Military service
Trainee as Wholesales and Foreign Trade Officer; Uhlig & Co., Rauchwaren.
- Consultancy and sale of furs and skins.
- Settlement and shipment. Accounting and correspondence.
- Purchase and coordination of processing.
Bergius-Schule, Frankfurt am Main. Technical college for clothing, special field furs and skins with final examination.
Max-Eyth-Schule, Dreieich-Sprendlingen. . Secondary school with specializing in business management with final examination.
January 1991
Seminar for dangerous goods.
Special training for commissioner of dangerous goods. (Duration: 1 Week)
May 1992
BM S/36 fast training.
System control. SEU and DSU. (Duration: 1 Week)
June 1992
RPG Basics.
Programmer course for the programming language RPG. (Duration: 3 Days)
March 1993
IBM AS400 Foundation Training.
Data concepts. Interactive data base programsw (Duration: 2 weeks)
UNIX user and system management.
Programming in C, object-oriented programming in C++.
Microsoft Windows 95 in a network.
Application development with relational databases. SQL-Programming
Successful leadership I
Successful leadership II
Successful leadership III
Basis training IAS 39
Successful leadership IV
ABACUS for consultants – base seminar
Rhetoric seminar
Intelligent repartee and confident argumentation
PRINCE2 Foundation
Project management with certificate
27th June 2018
RPA Developer Foundation Training
Self-educated learning of the programming language Pascal. Slight experience.
Self-educated learning of the programming language Visual Basic.
Self-educated learning of HTML and JavaScript Creation of an own web page.
Self-educated learning of the programming language JAVA. Slight experience.
Self-educated learning of CGI-programming, use of e-RPG, HTML and JavaScript.
Use of the programming language C and C++ for private game programming with Microsoft DirectX.
Use of JAVA (J2SE) for developing an application for application maintenance.
RPA (Robotic Process Automation)